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Quartz Crystals are not referred to as the "brain cells" of Grandmother Earth by Native Americans whimsically. Neither were crystal skulls mysteriously fashioned in the shape of the human skull, one of the most striking symbols of human consciousness and change, for no reason. Both indicate a connection between quartz and human consciousness. In last months e-zine, we saw photographs of recent research on how thoughts influence the formation of water crystals.

So if our thoughts affect our moods, relationships and even ice crystals, then it isn't such a quantum leap to believe that thought may also influence the vibration rate of quartz. It is extremely difficult to carve quartz, so whoever went to such great lengths to accurately represent the human skull in quartz, did so for a reason. Whatever that reason, the choice of material was one that even today would be a simply impossible choice.

Researchers found that the skull had been carved against the natural axis of the crystal. Modern crystal sculptors always take into account the axis, or orientation of the crystal's molecular symmetry, because if they carve "against the grain," the piece is bound to shatter - even with the use of lasers and other high-tech cutting methods.

Under these circumstances, experts believe that successfully crafting a shape as complex as the Mitchell-Hedges skull is impossible; as one HP researcher is said to have remarked...

"The damned thing simply shouldn't be."

To compound the strangeness, HP could find no microscopic scratches on the crystal which would indicate it had been carved with metal instruments. Dorland's best hypothesis for the skull's construction is that it was roughly hewn out with diamonds, and then the detail work was meticulously done with a gentle solution of silicon sand and water. The exhausting job -- assuming it could possibly be done in this way -- would have required man-hours adding up to 300 years to complete.

However little we know for certain about these quartz skulls, three things are certain. Their creators knew more about both quartz and engineering than we do today and they did it for a reason. Many believe that reason was to store ancient knowledge until such a time as people were evolved enough to access it.

Like sugar is sweet, quartz crystals can and do interact with the human mind. It is their very nature. Based on this foundation you can programme crystals for health, psychic development, cleansing the energy of spaces or manifesting and strengthening those things or qualities you wish to enhance in your life. This is done through imagination, visualisation or verbalization, "en-chanting”. What is less well known is that with the human mind acting as the interface, you can useanyenergy to programme crystals. If you know the effect of an energy/frequency, it can be transferred to a crystal to be automatically ordered (remember quartz is used in time-keeping because it emits a regular pulse), amplified, stored, focused and transmitted.

To show you how simple this really is, I will give a few of examples useful in everyday life. Remember, this is easier than programming with your intention alone, as you are physically applying a vibration to the quartz, the effects of which you know, instead of having to clearly focus intention.

1) Flower Essences and Gem Elixirs

If you use flower essences or gem elixirs, "anchor” that energy into a room or a persons energy system, by placing a few drops on a crystal. This crystal can then be worn or carried, placed under your pillow or put on your windowsill to supply a lasting, amplified and structured source of that vibration.

Example 1:
Carry a larch (Bach, or similar flower essence), imbued crystal as a long term confidence booster, or in a situation where you lack may confidence, an exam or job interview for example. The crystals ability to strengthen and maintain the larch energy will give excellent results.

Example 2:
Place a few drops of kyanite elixir on a crystal. Put it under your pillow for an intensified dream state and improved dream recall. The advantage over just putting kyanite under your pillow is the ability of quartz to resonate with mental impressions and be programmed to a specific end. An example of this would be precognitive dreaming or subtle (astral) travelling to a predetermined place.

2) Herbs, Flowers, Wood

The healing properties of many herbs and trees are well documented. As above, simply placing the herb or wood on a crystal will amplify and transmit its properties. The frequency emitted will have its effect in a similar way to any vibrational remedy, from homeopathy to colour treatments.

Example 3:
The calming effect of Chamomile flowers can be utilised by placing the flowers or even the tea on a crystal. Place these crystals around a restless child's room at night to calm them.

Example 4: 
If you tend to be too "dreamy”, "un-grounded”, unable to apply yourself to practical tasks sometimes, programme crystals with an "earthing” vibration. Place crystals in the room in which you wish to work or just feel more "grounded”, with nothing more than a little soil on each one. Both the colour (relating to the base chakra) and the natural "earthing" energy of soil will help keep your feet firmly on the ground.


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