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Himalayan Quartz Sphere

(Code: 8009)
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£ 49.95
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Himalayan Quartz Sphere
  • Himalayan Quartz Sphere
  • Himalayan Quartz Sphere
  • Himalayan Quartz Sphere

Ethically mined Himalayan Quartz

Ethically hand-mined high in the Himalayas. This larger sphere is bright and energetic with beautiful rainbows.

"The quartz crystal is the connection between the physical dimension and the dimensions of the mind. It can be used to communicate with minerals, plants, animals, and intelligent forces outside the physical dimension. In early times, when all things were considered parts of a greater living consciousness, the quartz crystal was believed to synchronize the individual and total consciousness with that of the heavens and advanced life forms." Melody, Love is in the Earth.

There is a measurable increase in alpha brain waves after holding quartz for half an hour. Over a more extended period of time, there is an increase in theta and delta brain waves.

     Alpha: ESP is initiated and healing is enhanced at 7 – 14 cycles per second. 

     Theta: Deeper state ESP and healing is greatly enhanced at 4 – 7 cycles per second.

     Delta: All ESP states are awakened, total memory, total suggestibility and powerful healing occur at .5 to 4 cycles per second.

65mm  ~  2 5/8"  ~  380 grams

Customer reviews
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Daksha P.
Shopping Satisfaction
Very pleased with my lovely Himalayan Quartz Sphere, good value for money in the special offer.
Janet J.

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