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Brandberg Self-Healed Amethyst Flame DT

(Code: 3070)
£ 195.00
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   Brandberg Self-Healed Amethyst Flame DT
  •    Brandberg Self-Healed Amethyst Flame DT
  •    Brandberg Self-Healed Amethyst Flame DT
  •    Brandberg Self-Healed Amethyst Flame DT
  •    Brandberg Self-Healed Amethyst Flame DT
Ethically hand-mined Brandberg Quartz

This is a large and energetic Brandberg DT. It has both tips intact and 2 penetration Bridges, one a DT and the other a very bright Dow.

"Brandberg Amethyst is a stunning and unique variety of Quartz crystal found only in Namibia, Africa - a mystic blend of Amethyst, Clear and Smoky Quartz together in one exceedingly high-vibrational crystal. Brandberg Amethyst attunes to pure consciousness and is the most versatile and multi-dimensional healing tool on the planet, unparalleled in its beauty, energy and light.” Judy Hall.

"Double Terminated crystals can assist in providing one protection from mental and physical harm. Carrying a double terminated crystal can enable one to maintain one’s energy shield. DTs are excellent for astral projection and dreaming - place them under your pillow at night and they can increase and intensify the dream state. They are also excellent for use in meditation.” Melody, Love is in the Earth.

"Dows combine the qualities of the transmitter and channelling crystal. It also provides for a continuous connective force between the holder of the crystal and "All That Is". It is the crystal for creativity and service to humanity through spiritual and mystical pursuits. It allows access to the records relating to each question or thought and, even without focusing, provides intuitive awareness in all situations". Melody, Love is in the Earth. 

"Bridge crystals are quite beneficial when one is working with the aspects of spirituality and with the advanced metaphysical areas, and attempting to share this knowledge with others.” Melody, Love is in the Earth. 

The Brandberg Mountains rise out of a red desert to form the highest range in Namibia covering an area of 1100 km² and consisting of basalts and quartz lattices 132-135 million years old!  The summit, Königstein, German for "King's Stone", stands at over 2,500 metres. These mountains have always been held sacred and are famed for ancient rock paintings and engravings. The Herero people named Brandberg, Omukuruvaro, "Mountain of the Gods".

105 x 65 x 40mm  ~  4"  ~  220 grams

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