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Brandberg Amethyst

(Code: 0347)
£ 27.50
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     Brandberg Amethyst
  •      Brandberg Amethyst
  •      Brandberg Amethyst
  •      Brandberg Amethyst
  •      Brandberg Amethyst

Ethically hand-mined Brandberg Quartz

"Brandberg Amethyst is a stunning and unique variety of Quartz crystal found only in Namibia, Africa - a mystic blend of Amethyst, Clear and Smoky Quartz together in one exceedingly high-vibrational crystal. Brandberg Amethyst attunes to pure consciousness and is the most versatile and multi-dimensional healing tool on the planet, unparalleled in its beauty, energy and light.” Judy Hall.

The Brandberg Mountains in Namibia are 132-135 million years old! These mountains have always been held sacred, and famed for ancient rock paintings and engravings. The indigenous Damara people named the mountain Dâures "Burning Mountain" because of its unearthly orange glow at sunset. The Herero people named Brandberg, Omukuruvaro, "Mountain of the Gods". These sacred mountains have given us the most beautiful, high-frequency healing crystals ever seen. 

Kacha Stones is the original ethically mined crystal shop, trading since 1996. Ethical sourcing is important not only for the environment and mining communities, but can also affect the crystal's energy. Although most crystal shops now use the "ethically mined" prefix, it is only possible by buying directly from miners. We have spent nearly 30 years cultivating relationships with miners from the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the deserts of Namibia - a labour of love!

50mm  ~  2"  ~  23 grams


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