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Brandberg Self-Healed Smokey Enhydro Black Phantom

(Code: 7719)
£ 195.00
(-25.13%) £ 146.00
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 Brandberg Self-Healed Smokey Enhydro Black Phantom
  •  Brandberg Self-Healed Smokey Enhydro Black Phantom
  •  Brandberg Self-Healed Smokey Enhydro Black Phantom
  •  Brandberg Self-Healed Smokey Enhydro Black Phantom
  •  Brandberg Self-Healed Smokey Enhydro Black Phantom

Ethically hand mined Brandberg Quartz

At some stage of this crystals' million + year journey, it had most of one side destroyed. This has self-healed completely and spectacularly to produce a uniquely shaped, yes once again energetically whole unit.

Rare Black Phantom and an easily seen moving bubble.

"Black Phantom Quartz Crystals are very unusual. They provide the energy of the quartz, coupled with the property of grounding; this grounding is via the perfect alignment of the physical energy centres, which occurs with the use of this mineral. Hence, with a black phantom crystal, one does not require an additional stone for grounding." Melody, Love is in the Earth. 
Rare Black Phantom and an easily seen moving bubble.

"The self-healed crystal, having learned to heal itself, can lend this knowledge to the user and can share the experience of self-healing. One may use the crystal for healing of the self or in "crystal healing” of another person". Melody, Love is in the Earth.

"Smokey quartz tends to penetrate and to dissolve energy fields which have been generated from negative thought forms, anger and resentment.” Melody Love is in the Earth.

130mm,   5",    261 grams


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