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Omapeleki Brandberg Negative Manifestation Self-Healed Laser Crystal

(Code: 7766)
£ 37.50
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  Omapeleki Brandberg Negative Manifestation Self-Healed Laser Crystal
  •   Omapeleki Brandberg Negative Manifestation Self-Healed Laser Crystal
  •   Omapeleki Brandberg Negative Manifestation Self-Healed Laser Crystal
  •   Omapeleki Brandberg Negative Manifestation Self-Healed Laser Crystal
  •   Omapeleki Brandberg Negative Manifestation Self-Healed Laser Crystal

Ethically hand-mined Brandberg Quartz

Omapeleki Brandbergs are rare because they are dug in a very remote region of the Brandberg range. To access this area the miner has to walk at least 2 days to and 2 days back from the dig, carrying food and water there and food, water and crystals back. That is the closest any vehicle can get. We were fortunate to have acquired a batch of Omapelekis recently. They are uniquely energetic.

Negatives Manifestation Enhydros look like the internal crystals of the Manifestation formation but are actually crystal-shaped water pockets. There are no gas bubbles in this beautiful example, but at least 9 refined Negatives! They possess the properties of "regular" manifestation crystals and enhydros, in addition to their own, little-understood properties. This lack of information is largely due to their rarity, but also their subtlety. This formation represents a world within a world.

"The Manifestation Quartz Crystal can be recognised by a small crystal totally enclosed within a larger crystal. These crystals are quite rare. These crystals can also be used [as well as in manifestation] to facilitate artistic creativity, creative thinking and to increase or decrease any aspect of one's life.” Melody, Love is in the Earth.

"Laser wands often have unique etching and or/markings upon them. They were once used in the healing temples of Lemuria, the markings indicating the records of experiences "they have seen”. It can be used to clear an area of negativity, to create protective barriers and to beam healing energy to oneself or another." Melody, Love is in the Earth.

Kacha Stones is the original ethically mined crystal shop, trading since 1996. Ethical sourcing is important not only for the environment and mining communities, but can also affect the crystal's energy. Although most crystal shops now use the "ethically mined" prefix, it is only possible by buying directly from miners. We have spent nearly 30 years cultivating relationships with miners from the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the deserts of Namibia - a labour of love!

50mm   ~  2"  ~  8 grams


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